About the Art

My work is evocative of the strikingly similar figures of women found in ancient cultures around the world. I want tho capture the fertile and life-giving power of womanhood. I have always been fascinated by the rawness of the body of our cultural impetus to mask the changing female shape through ornamentation and enhancement. In my work I want to manifest these bodies as beautiful and powerful without hiding them. I want to bead, paint , feather and bedazzle my woman while still returning to the earthiness of the clay, the realness of the body.
I love the dissonance between diamonds and the dirt.
My figures stand tall and strong with the unashamed marks of womanhood proudly adorned and celebrated.
I want people to see possibilities for themselves in my work: What would your relationship with your body be if you were celebrating it instead of denying it?

"Don't bend; don't water it down, don't try to make it logical; don't edit your own soul according to fashion.
Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly."

Misattributed to: Franz Kafka. Credit due to: Anne Rice

Artwork ranges in price. Please email for pricing.
